
Database Open Access

Influence of the MHD effect on 12-lead and 3-lead ECGs recorded in 1T to 7T MRI scanners

Johannes W Krug Passand

ECG signals were acquired in various MRI scanners to enable the study of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect. The MHD effect, which is caused by an interaction of the blood flow and the MRI’s high static magnetic field, superimposes the ECG signal.

cardiac mri patient monitoring magnetohydrodynamic mri mhd ecg

Published: May 18, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Open Access

Influence of the MHD effect on 12-lead and 3-lead ECGs recorded in 1T to 7T MRI scanners

Johannes W Krug Passand

ECG signals were acquired in various MRI scanners to enable the study of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect. The MHD effect, which is caused by an interaction of the blood flow and the MRI’s high static magnetic field, superimposes the ECG signal.

cardiac mri patient monitoring magnetohydrodynamic mri mhd ecg

Published: May 18, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

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