clc close all clear all tic load '010217B.txt';% input name of text file with appropriate extension A = X010217B ;% for data such as 111213A add X at the beginning => i.e X111213A m=mean(A) std = std(A) [S,V]=dfa(A); subplot (2,1,1) title (['time-series']) hold on plot (A) subplot (2,1,2) scatter (S,V) [r,a,b]=regression (S,V,'one'); % a = slope, b = intercept, r: correlation coefficnet (Pearson) [r1,a1,b1]=regression (S(1:24),V(1:24),'one'); % a1 = slope, b1 = intercept, r1: correlation coefficnet (Pearson) [r2,a2,b2]=regression (S(25:end),V(25:end),'one'); % a2 = slope, b2 = intercept, r2: correlation coefficnet (Pearson) alpha = a(1,1) title (['slope =',num2str(alpha),]) r [se]=sampen(A,2,0.2) [mse,sc]=msentropy(A); toc