r30ofl 8 100 g9r30of.rit format? gain? ... g10r30of.let format? gain? g11r30of.let format? gain? g12r30of.rit format? gain? g13r30of.rit format? gain? s14r30of.rit format? gain? s15r30of.rit format? gain? s16r30of.let format? gain? #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SUBJECTS WITH LOW AMPLITUDE TREMOR: # REST TREMOR, 30 MINUTES AFTER DBS STOPPED (MEDICATION OFF) (n=8 files) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SUBJ FILE RANGE VELOCITY LASER RATE SAMPLES # g9 g9r30of.rit 0.5 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6318 # g10 g10r30of.let 0.5 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6198 # g11 g11r30of.let 0.1 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6594 # g12 g12r30of.rit 0.2 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6354 # g13 g13r30of.rit 0.2 mm/s 0-0.2 100 7140 # s14 s14r30of.rit 0.5 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6276 # s15 s15r30of.rit 0.5 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6438 # s16 s16r30of.let 0.5 mm/s 0-0.2 100 6588 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SUBJ: g = GPi = Globus Pallidus interna # v = Vim = Ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus # s = STN = subthalamic nucleus # RANGE: Range (V) Precision (+/- mm/s) # 2.0 1.0 # 1.0 0.5 # 0.5 0.25 # 0.2 0.1 # 0.1 0.05 # VELOCITY: units of velocity in recordings # (mm/s or m/s) # LASER: laser speed setting # (0-0.2 m/s or 0-1 m/s) # RATE: sampling rate in Hz # # SAMPLES: number of samples in recording #----------------------------------------------------------------------------