% % Author: Rongqing Chen % Date: 22-Apr-2020 % % Script overview: % This script reads reconstructed EIT images from the .bin file generated % by the Dr?ger Tool. The images are shown as the view of caudal-cranial % projection. Keep in mind that the pixel value only means the conductivity % change in the arbitrary unit (AU), and in no condition is inter-patient % comparable. % function binData = read_binData(patientData) % open .bin file fid=fopen(patientData,'r'); try getarray=fread(fid, [1 inf],'int8'); len=length(getarray); frame_length=len/4358; clear getarray; catch ME prompt={'Please enter the number of frames manually'}; % mostly won't happen, but in case name='file length'; numlines=1; defaultanswer={'24000'}; answer=inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defaultanswer); if isempty(answer) return; end frame_length=str2double(answer{1}); end fclose(fid); binData1024=zeros(1024,frame_length); fid=fopen(patientData,'r'); % the data structure of the .bin file for i=1:frame_length time_stamp=fread(fid, [1 2],'float32'); %read time stamp dummy=fread(fid, [1],'float32'); %read dummy binData1024(:,i)=fread(fid, [1 1024],'float32');%read pixel values for each frame int_value=fread(fid, [1 2],'int32'); %read MinMax, Event Marker, EventText=fread(fid,[1 30],'int8'); int_Time=fread(fid, [1 ],'int32'); %Timing Error Medibus=fread(fid, [1 52],'float32'); end binData = reshape(binData1024,32,32,frame_length); % rotate the image to the caudal cranial projection binData = rot90(binData); binData = flipud(binData); % release the .bin file fclose('all'); end