function [peaks,troughs] = generatePT(P,T,peakLabels, troughLabels); % creates peaks and troughs, arrays of the undecimated peak and trough locations % of all valid peaks and troughs in P & T. % P the vector of peak indexes, on the decimated-by-5 signal % T the vector of trough indexes, on the decimated-by-5 signal % peakLabels & troughLabels assigned by classifyPeaks, then modified % manually if necessary: 1 = valid 2 = invalid 3 = questionable peaks = []; n = max(size(P)); % n has number of peaks found for i = 1:n if peakLabels(i) == 1 % it is a good peak peaks = [peaks, (P(i)*5)]; % add this UNDECIMATED peak to the peaks array end; end; troughs = []; n = max(size(T)); % n has number of troughs found for i = 1:n if troughLabels(i) == 1 % it is a good trough troughs = [troughs, (T(i)*5)]; % add this UNDECIMATED trough to the troughs array end; end;