function filename = SaveHRVoutput(sub_id,windows_all,results,titles,type,HRVparams, tNN, NN) % % SaveHRVoutput(sub_id,windows_all,results,titles,type,HRVparams, tNN, NN) % % OVERVIEW: Generates output based on the selections in struct HRVparams. % % INPUT: sub_id : % windows_all : % results : % titles : % type : 'AF' results of AF detection % 'MSE' results of Multiscale Entropy % 'SQI' average SQI index for the record % [] otherwise % HRVparams : struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis % tNN : the time indices of the rr interval data (seconds) % NN : a single row of NN (normal normal) interval % data in seconds % % OUTPUT: filename : current name of the file % Outputs csv files or mat files based on the user's HRVparams % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Script written by Adriana N. Vest % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % % 09-18-2017 - Modified by Giulia Da Poian % Convert to table with results in columns and then save csv, it makes % easier to extract the results to perform statistical analysis from the % csv file (columns have the name of the variable, e.g.,SDNN, AC, DC...) % What class of data is sub_id if ischar(sub_id) end if isnumeric(sub_id) sub_id = num2str(sub_id); end if iscell(sub_id) sub_id = char(sub_id); end % Establish Filename Based on Type of Output if strcmp(type,'AF') || strcmp(type,'MSE') || strcmp(type,'SQI')|| strcmp(type, 'DFA') || strcmp(type, 'HRT') filename = strcat( sub_id, '_', type, '_results_', HRVparams.time); if strcmp(HRVparams.output.format,'csv') % Add .csv extension to filename and directory fullfilename = strcat(HRVparams.writedata, filesep, filename, '.csv'); % Write AF results to a table T = array2table(results,'VariableNames',titles); % Use writetable to geberate csv file with the results writetable(T,fullfilename); elseif strcmp(HRVparams.output.format,'mat') % Add .mat extension to filename and directory fullfilename = strcat(HRVparams.writedata, filesep, filename, '.mat'); %Save results save(fullfilename, 'results', 'titles'); end else % HRV results % All windows or Lowest HR windows results if ~isempty(HRVparams.output.num_win) fileNameWind = strcat('HRV_results_', num2str(HRVparams.output.num_win), 'LowestHRwin_', HRVparams.time); else fileNameWind = strcat('HRV_results_allwindows_', HRVparams.time); end % All patients or Separate if HRVparams.output.separate % Generate a new file for each output filename = strcat(sub_id, '_', fileNameWind); else filename = strcat('AllPatients_', fileNameWind); end % Generate csv file if strcmp(HRVparams.output.format,'csv') % Add .csv extension to filename fullfilename = strcat(HRVparams.writedata, filesep, filename, '.csv'); if ~isempty(HRVparams.output.num_win) % Returns results based on the number of windows set by the HRVparams file x = size(results); idx = find(length(titles) == x); num_results = x(3-idx); % Find num_win windows with the lowest HR if num_results > 1 windows_output = FindLowestHRwin(windows_all,tNN, NN, HRVparams.output.num_win,HRVparams); for i = 1:HRVparams.output.num_win windx(i) = find(windows_output(i).t == windows_all); end variables_names = ['patID' titles]; % Add colum with patient ID results = results(windx,:); patid_array = string(repmat({sub_id},size(results,1),1)); variables_vals = [patid_array results]; % Add colum with patient ID else variables_names = ['patID' titles]; % Add colum with patient ID patid_array = string(repmat({sub_id},size(results,1),1)); variables_vals = [patid_array results]; % Add colum with patient ID end % Write HRV results to a table try T = readtable(fullfilename); catch T = []; end T = [T ; array2table(variables_vals,'VariableNames',variables_names)]; % Use writetable to geberate csv file with the results writetable(T,fullfilename); elseif isempty(HRVparams.output.num_win) % Print out all the window values for all variables variables_names = ['patID' titles]; % Add colum with patient ID patid_array = string(repmat({sub_id},size(results,1),1)); variables_vals = [patid_array results]; % Add colum with patient ID % Write HRV results to a table try T = readtable(fullfilename); catch T = []; end T = [T ; array2table(variables_vals,'VariableNames',variables_names)]; % Use writetable to geberate csv file with the results writetable(T,fullfilename); else % Do nothing. end % End decision based on number of windows needed to be returned elseif strcmp(HRVparams.output.format,'mat') % Add .mat extension to filename fullfilename = strcat(HRVparams.writedata, filesep, filename, '.mat'); if ~isempty(HRVparams.output.num_win) windows_output = FindLowestHRwin(tNN, NN,HRVparams.output.num_win); for i = 1:HRVparams.output.num_win windx(i) = find(windows_output(i).t == windows_all); end output = results(wind,:); save(fullfilename, 'output','titles'); elseif isempty(HRVparams.output.num_win) save(fullfilename, 'results', 'titles'); else end else % Return nothing. end end end