function [T, Tab] = ExportHRVparams(HRVparams) % ExportHRVparams2Latex(HRVparams) % % INPUT: % HRVparams - struct of various settings for the hrv_toolbox analysis % % OUTPUT: % Latex file % % REPO: % % ORIGINAL SOURCE AND AUTHORS: % Script written by Giulia Da Poian % Dependent scripts written by various authors % (see functions for details) % COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 % LICENSE: % This software is offered freely and without warranty under % the GNU (v3 or later) public license. See license file for % more information % % Note that if you change the order of the parameters or add parameters % this might not work % Windows analysis parametrs GeneralParams = struct2table(HRVparams,'AsArray',true); NameOfParameters = GeneralParams.Properties.VariableNames; ValuesOfParameters = table2cell(GeneralParams); T = []; for idx=1:length(ValuesOfParameters) if isstruct(GeneralParams{1,idx}) % extract structure and concatenate to Table temp = struct2table(GeneralParams{1,idx},'AsArray',true); tempName = strcat(NameOfParameters(idx),'_',temp.Properties.VariableNames); tempVal = table2cell(temp); % Check for matrix instead of a single vector % This works only for this particular program for extracting the % frequency bands for kk =1:length(tempVal) if ~isvector(tempVal{kk}) && ~isempty(tempVal{kk}) extractedArray = tempVal{kk}; freqLimits = cellstr(strcat(num2str(extractedArray(:,1)),'-', num2str(extractedArray(:,2)))); T = [T array2table(freqLimits','VariableNames',{'ulf','vlf','lf','hf'})]; tempVal{kk} = "[]"; elseif ~isnumeric(tempVal{kk}) tempVal{kk} = string(tempVal{kk}); elseif isempty(tempVal{kk}) tempVal{kk} = "[]"; end end try T = [T table( tempVal{:},'VariableNames',{tempName{:}})]; catch end else T = [T GeneralParams(:,idx)]; end end TableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames; % Change Names to be in latex format TableNames = strrep(TableNames,'_',' '); TableValues = table2cell(T); % Change Names to be in latex format for idx = 1: length(TableValues) if iscellstr(TableValues(idx)) TableValues(idx) = strrep(TableValues(idx),{'\'},{'$\$'}); TableValues(idx) = strrep(TableValues(idx),{'_'},{' '}); elseif ~ischar(TableValues{1,idx}) && ~isstring(TableValues{1,idx}) TableValues{idx} = char(num2str(TableValues{1,idx})); end end Tab = [TableNames' TableValues']; writetable(array2table(Tab),[HRVparams.writedata filesep 'ParametersTable' HRVparams.filename '.csv']); try matrix2latex(Tab, [HRVparams.writedata filesep 'ParametersTable' HRVparams.filename '.tex']); catch end