Usage of the geval_st (EVAL_ST) graphic user interface to evaluate transient ST segment episode detectors: Menu Options Mnemonic Accelerator Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Open Alt+F O Ctrl+O Opens evaluation project file _.evl which contain the list of records given the algorithm and database for testing Examine Alt+F E Ctrl+E Opens secondary window with information about statistics already perfromed given the selected evaluation project Quit Alt+F Q Ctrl+Q Quits the interface Evaluation_mode Ischemic/Heart-rate ... Alt+E I Ctrl+I Sets the evaluation mode when the ischemic and non-ischemic heart-rate related episodes are differentiated ST segment changes Alt+E S Ctrl+S Sets the evaluation mode when all the episodes are considered as episodes of single type Single_record Record Alt+S R Ctrl+R Opens the dialog to select a singe record for evaluation and then performs evaluation for the selected record Aggregate_statistics Evaluate Alt+A E Ctrl+A Performs aggregate statistics for the selected evaluation project Extrema Alt+A X Ctrl+X Performs evaluation of ST segment deviation measurements for the selected evaluation project Bootstrap Number_of_bootstrap_trials Alt+B N Ctrl+N Opens the dialog to set the nuber of bootstrap trials to be used Evaluate Alt+B E Ctrl+B Performs the bootstrap evaluation for the selected evaluation project Summary Compare Alt+M C Ctrl+C Opens a "summary" secondary window and displays the relevant statistics of the last three performance evaluation projects Differences Alt+M D Ctrl+D Comparison of algorithms Help Help Alt+H H Ctrl+H This message --------------------------------------------------------------------------