%This script will generate the validation set that will be used for %cross-checking by the PhysionNet servers. You should have the training %set located at the subdirectory ./challenge/2014/set-p/ % (or .\challenge\2014\set-p\ in Windows). % %Althought this script can be run from MATLAB, it is best to have it run on %an Octave 3.6.2 for the generation of final validation set. This script %needs to be run from its current directory (sample-octave-entry). % % % Written by Ikaro Silva January 21, 2014. % Last Modified: June 10, 2014 % % clear all;close all;clc cur_dir=pwd; ans_dir=[cur_dir filesep 'challenge' filesep '2014' filesep 'set-p']; %Add the sample entry directory to the current path so we can call %'challenge.m' from other directories, but don't save the path permanently. addpath(cur_dir) if(exist('OCTAVE_VERSION')) more off %this seems necessary in order to get back the screen in Octave end %Check for previous files before starting test qrs=dir([ans_dir filesep '*.qrs']); if(~isempty(qrs)) while(1) display(['Found previous QRS files in:' ans_dir]) cont=input('Delete them all (Y/N/Q)?','s'); if(strcmp(cont,'Y') || strcmp(cont,'N') || strcmp(cont,'Q')) if(strcmp(cont,'Q')) display('Exiting script!!') return; end break; end end if(strcmp(cont,'Y')) display('Removing previous generated files.') for i=1:length(qrs) delete([ans_dir filesep qrs(i).name]); end end end fprintf('Generating validation set, please wait...\n') %Start the validation training=dir([ans_dir filesep '*.dat']); if(length(training) ~= 100) warning(['Training data does not have 100 records! Training set location: ' ans_dir filesep]) warning(['Download training set at: http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/challenge/2014/set-p.zip']) error('Cannot continue because training set does not have 100 records.') end N=length(training); %This should always be 100, but we display it as an extra double check. try cd(ans_dir) total_time=0; for i=1:N fname=training(i).name; tic; %Remove .dat extension from file name challenge(fname(1:end-4)); total_time=total_time+toc; if(~mod(i,10)) fprintf(['---Annotated ' num2str(i) ' out of ' num2str(N) ' records.\n']) end end averageTime = total_time/N; cd(cur_dir); fprintf(['Generation of validation set completed !! Total time= ' ... num2str(total_time) ' average time= ' num2str(averageTime) '\n']) catch cd(cur_dir); error(lasterr) end fprintf(['To package your entry into a valid entry.zip submission file, on unix systems run : \n']) fprintf(['\tzip -r entry.zip . -x ./challenge/2014/set-p/*.dat -x ./challenge/2014/set-p/*.hea \n'])