function xc=ImpArtElimS(x,thE,wm,pvsc,plotFlag) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Impulsive Artifact Canceling from a signal. % xc=ImpArtElimS(x,thE,wm,pvsc,plotFlag) % Input parameters: % x : array of data to be cleaned from wild points % thE : threshold on absolute error % wm : window length for "deviation" estimation % pvsc : % of value to discard in deviation estimation % plotFlag : % % Ouput parameters: % xc : corrected array of data % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author: Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms % of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed "as is" and "as available" in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nargin < 1), [x, xv, thE, wm,pvsc,plotFlag]=ImpArtElim_atest; testFlag=1; else if (nargin < 2 || isempty(thE)), thE=4; end if (nargin < 3 || isempty(wm)), wm=min(33, length(x)-1); end % default values for RR interval series if (nargin < 4 ), pvsc=10; end if (nargin < 5 ), plotFlag=0; end testFlag=0; end [nr,nc]=size(x); if(nc>nr), n=nc; x=x'; else n=nr; end debugFlag=0; if(wm>n), fprintf('Error: parameter wm must be smaller than length(x)\n'); xc=[]; return; end % -------- xc=x; if(debugFlag) wLd=60*5000; xin=x(1:min(wLd,length(x))); xmed= median(xin); % median value xad=abs(xin-xmed); % vector of absolute error respect to median admed=median(xad); % median of absolute error (deviation) admedsd=1.483 *admed; % robust estimate of standard deviation % for a Gaussian signal figure; plot(xin); axis tight; figure; plot(xad); axis tight; hold on; plot([1; n],admedsd*[thE; thE],'r'); end wm=2*floor(wm/2)+1; xmed = medfilt1mit(xc,wm,1); xad=abs(xc-xmed); xadm=maxsc(xad(find(xad>0)),pvsc); if(plotFlag) figure; hold on; plot(x,'r.-'); plot(xmed,'b.-'); ht=title(['ImpArtElim_atest:',' x (r) - xmed (b)']); set(ht,'Interpreter','none'); shg; % it need in Linux figResize(0, 1, 1, .35); axis tight; figure; hold on; plot(xad,'b.-'); plot(xadm*ones(n,1),'m'); plot(thE*xadm*ones(n,1),'r'); ht=title(['ImpArtElim_atest:',' xad (b), xadm (m), th (r)']); set(ht,'Interpreter','none'); shg; % it need in Linux figResize(0, 1, 1, .35); axis tight; end kv=find(xad - thE*xadm > 0); if(~isempty(kv)) i=1; while i<=length(kv) iivx=kv(i); while (inr), xc=xc'; end if(testFlag), xc=[]; end % end %== function ================================================================ % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [x, xv, thE, wm, pvsc, plotFlag]=ImpArtElim_atest close all plotFlag=1; thE=1.4; % thE=2; wm=33; % wm=33; pvsc=10; % -- artificial RR series % fc_bpm=75bpm => fc=fc_bpm/60= 1.25Hz => Tc= 0.8s % fHF=0.25Hz => fHF=fHF/fc fc=1.25; Tc=1/fc; fHF=0.25; aHF=0.03*Tc; fLF=0.1; aLF= 0.02*Tc; fHFn=fHF/fc; fLFn=fLF/fc; % normalized frequencies (cycles/point) t = (0:Tc:3*60)'; xv = Tc+ aLF*sin(2*pi*fLF*t)+ aHF*sin(2*pi*fHF*t)+ 0.005*Tc*randn(size(t)); fprintf('--- Test for "ImpArtElim" routine ---\n'); fprintf('Artificial RR interval series - '); fprintf(' normalized frequencies: LF=%3.2g, HF=%3.2g\n', fLFn, fHFn); fprintf('n=%d, thE=%3.2g, wm=%d\n', length(xv), thE, wm); % -------------------------- % add artifact to the x series x=xv; xmed=median(x); mdaerr=median(abs(x-xmed)); fprintf('median= %5.1f, medAbsErr= %5.2f\n',xmed, mdaerr); ia=floor(length(x)/4); x(ia)= x(ia)+14*mdaerr; x(ia+2)= x(ia+2)+14*mdaerr; ia=floor(length(x)/3); x(ia:ia+5)= x(ia:ia+5)+14*mdaerr; ia=floor(length(x)/2); x(ia:ia+3)= x(ia:ia+3)+8*mdaerr; ia=floor(length(x)*2/3); x(ia:ia+2)= x(ia:ia+2)+4*mdaerr; ia=floor(length(x)*3/4); x(ia)= x(ia)-8*mdaerr; return end %== function ================================================================ %