function [prob,died]=physionet2012_F(tm,category,val) % [prob,died]=physionet2012(tm,category,val) % Submission A for the PhysioNet 2012 Challenge. % % Inputs: % tm - (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing time of measurement % category- (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing type (category) % measurement % value - (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing value of measurement % % Outputs: % prob - (Scalar) Probability value of the patient dying in the hospital % died - (Logical) Binary classification if the patient is going to die % on the hospital (1 - Died, 0 - Survived) % % Example % [prob,died]=physionet2012(tm,category,val) % Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson % $LastChangedBy: alistair $ % $LastChangedDate: 2012-04-25 01:27:43 +0100 (Wed, 25 Apr 2012) $ % $Revision: 345 $ % Originally written on GLNXA64 by Alistair Johnson, 24-Apr-2012 14:02:25 % Contact: %=== Miscellanious default values %=======================% %=== PREPROCESS DATA ===% %=======================% %=== Put into expected format for function % Convert time from string to numeric minutes tm = cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(1:2)), tm)*60 + cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(4:5)),tm); data = [{1},{tm},{category},{val}]; [ data ] = pnPreprocess(data); %=====================% %=== LOAD FEATURES ===% %=====================% load datahi; [ X ] = pniExtractFeaturesF(data); idxTraining = true(4000,1); idxTraining(4:4:end) = false; idxTest = ~idxTraining; medianVals = median(X(idxTraining,:),1); for k=1:size(X,2) medianVals(k) lr = glmfit(X(idxTraining,:),data_target(idxTraining),'binomial'); [pred] = glmval(lr,X,'logit'); prob = pred; stats = stat_calc_struct(prob(idxTest),data_target(idxTest)); temp=prob; temp=sort(temp,'descend'); TP=cumsum(temp); FP=cumsum(1-temp); FN=cumsum(temp(length(temp):-1:1)); FN=FN(length(FN):-1:1); temp2=zeros(length(temp),1); t1=TP./(TP+FN); t2=TP./(TP+FP); for(i=1:length(temp)) temp2(i)=min(t1(i),t2(i)); end [t1 t2]=max(temp2); T = temp(t2); %===================% %=== CLASSIFY ======% %===================% %=== Load trained rf mdl=load('ModelF.mat'); [~,pred] = predict(mdl.rf,X); prob = pred(:,2); prob = glmval(mdl.betas,prob,'logit'); %===================% %=== SET OUTPUTS ===% %===================% died = prob >= mdl.T; % Thresholded probability to maximize PPV/Sens end