function y = evco(fname,estID,winsize,clbnum) % EVCO Evaluate CO estimation % Y = EVCO(FNAME, ESTID, WINSIZE, CLBNUM) calibrates and evaluates CO % estimation performance, using thermodilution CO as gold-standard. % % In: FNAME (string) file name -- e.g. fname='~/170.mat'; % ESTID (integer) choose CO estimation algorithm % WINSIZE (integer) ABP window size (in seconds) to use % CLBNUM (integer) choose calibration method: % = 1 single k MMSE % = 2 multi k causal MMSE % = 3 single k 1st point % = 4 multi k previous point % = 5 not calib, but normalize near 1 % = other --- no calib % % Out: Y % Col 1: enumerate CO number % 2: time [min] % 3: TCO [L/min] % 4: estimated CO [L/min] - possibly uncalibrated % 5: sigma of estimated CO [L/min] - possibly uncalibrated % 6: sqi percent of good beats [mmHg] % 7: Systolic BP [mmHg] % 8: Diastolic BP [mmHg] % 9: Pulse pressure [mmHg] % 10: Mean pressure [mmHg] % 11: heart rate [bpm] % 12: noisiness (sqi thresh at -3) % 13: Area under systole 0.3*sqrt(RR) method % 14: Area under systole 1st min-slope method % % Example: % y = evco('170',5,60,1); % % Written by James Sun ( on Jan 18, 2006. % - v2.0 - 1/30/06 - add features (cols 7 thru 14) to output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % get TCO, estimated CO data load(fname,'t0','m2t'); % obtain TCO, sync TCO time with ABP time t0_co = 24*60*(m2t.t0 - t0(1,1)); % minutes offset r = [(t0_co+m2t.CO(:,1)) m2t.CO(:,2)]; % run bb CO estimate [est_val,t_est,t_raw,F] = estimateCO(fname,estID,0); x = [t_est*60 double(est_val)]; t_raw = t_raw*60; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % windowing --- obtain one-to-one estimates with tco mu = zeros(size(r,1),1); sigma = zeros(size(r,1),1); sqi = zeros(size(r,1),1); fea = zeros(size(r,1),8); for i=1:size(r,1) T = r(i,1)*60; ind = find(x(:,1)T-winsize); ind_raw = find(t_rawT-winsize); if isempty(ind) mu(i) = NaN; sigma(i) = NaN; sqi(i) = 0; fea(i,:) = NaN; else mu(i) = mean(x(ind,2)); sigma(i) = std(x(ind,2)); sqi(i) = round(length(ind)/length(ind_raw) * 100); fea(i,:) = mean(F(ind,[2 4 5 6 7 8 10 12])); end end % heart rate fea(:,5) = 60*125./fea(:,5); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % calibration ind_nan = ~isnan(mu); k = calib(r(ind_nan,2),mu(ind_nan),clbnum); y = [(1:size(r,1))' r k.*mu k.*sigma sqi fea]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % format output %y(isnan(mu),:)=[];