WFDB SWIG Toolbox for MATLAB 1.0.0

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<a name="javanotfoun"><h2>Java Class Error</h2></a>

<p>Problem: When I try to run a WFDB command in MATLAB I get the following error:

>> r = rdsamp('mitdb/100', 'maxt', ':10');
Undefined variable "LoadWFDBJava" or class "LoadWFDBJava.load".

Error in rdsamp (line 74)


You did not complete the installation of the toolbox. To complete installation follow these steps (note: the steps assume a Windows OS and a user name "wfdbtest";  similar steps for your Operating Systems can be found when you run the install script wfdb_install):
<li> Copy the file from 
  <br> C:\Users\wfdbtest\.wfdb-swig-matlab\0.0.3\librarypath.txt 
  <br> to 
 <br>C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\local\librarypath.txt
  <br>(or to your MATLAB startup directory for a local installation). You can copy the files from within the MATLAB prompt by using the following command:
  copyfile('C:\Users\wfdbtest\.wfdb-swig-matlab\0.0.3\librarypath.txt','C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\local\librarypath.txt','f')
<li> Copy the file from 
  <br>C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\local\classpath.txt
  <br>(or to your MATLAB startup directory for a local installation). You can copy the files from within the MATLAB prompt by using the following command:
  copyfile('C:\Users\wfdbtest\.wfdb-swig-matlab\0.0.3\classpath.txt','C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\local\classpath.txt','f')

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