Respiratory dataset from PEEP study with expiratory occlusion 1.0.0

File: <base>/Code/FigureGenerationCode_29AUG23.m (2,659 bytes)
%% Figure Generation Code for VAST 2023 Trial 
% Ella Guy 
% Last Updated: 29AUG2023

clear all, close all, clc

% Load Data
% Inputs-------------------------------------------------------------------
SubjectNumber = 1;      % de-identifyed subject number

start = 0;
finish = 1000;

infile_format = 'ProcessedDataset/ProcessedData_Subject%02d_Indexed.mat';
infile = sprintf(infile_format, SubjectNumber);


% Infile:
% T = Time [s]
% P = Pressure [cmH2O]
% Q = Flow [L/s]
% V = V_tidal [L]
% CC = Chest Circumference [mm]
% AC = Abdominal Circumference [mm]
% Ind = Inspiratory Indicies
% T_GA = Time (Aeration Data) [s]
% GA = Global Aeration
% Ind_GA = Inspiratory Indicies (Aeration Data)

FigureName_format = 'Subject%02d.png';
FigureName = sprintf(FigureName_format, SubjectNumber);

% Plots of Processed Data -------------------------------------------------

ChestMin = floor(max(CC(1:900)));
AbdominalMax = ceil(max(AC(1:900)));


ax(1) = subplot(6, 1, 1);
hold on
plot(T, P)
plot(T(Ind), P(Ind), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
ylim([-20 20])
title("Gauge Pressure [cmH_2O]", 'Fontsize', 12)

ax(2) = subplot(6, 1, 2);
hold on
plot(T, Q)
plot(T(Ind), Q(Ind), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
title("Flow [L/s]", 'Fontsize', 12)

ax(3) = subplot(6, 1, 3);
hold on
plot(T, V)
plot(T(Ind), V(Ind), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
title("Volume [L]", 'Fontsize', 12)

ax(4) = subplot(6, 1, 4);
hold on
plot(T, CC)
plot(T(Ind), CC(Ind), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
ylim([ChestMin-10 ChestMin+30])
title("Chest Circumference [mm]", 'Fontsize', 12)

ax(5) = subplot(6, 1, 5);
hold on
plot(T, AC)
plot(T(Ind), AC(Ind), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
ylim([AbdominalMax-30 AbdominalMax+10])
title("Abdominal Circumference [mm]", 'Fontsize', 12)

ax(6) = subplot(6, 1, 6);
hold on
plot(T_GA, GA)
plot(T_GA(Ind_GA), GA(Ind_GA), 'x')
hold off
grid on
grid minor
xlim([start finish])
title("Global Aeration (EIT)", 'Fontsize', 12)
linkaxes(ax, 'x')
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);

saveas(figure(1), FigureName)
clear all
