record - An application for capturing data from an HP CMS (Merlin) monitor 1.0.0

File: <base>/src/mecif/makefile (2,713 bytes)
# file: makefile	G. Moody	24 October 1993
#			Last revised:	16 March 1994
# Borland/Turbo C `make' description file for generating enhanced `mecif.lib'

# The MECIF library is a set of functions for serial communications between
# a PC and an HP CMS (Merlin) bedside monitor.  The original version of the
# MECIF library uses the standard PC serial ports, which are not suitable for
# high-bandwidth applications.  The MECIF communications protocol (which is
# not possible to modify since it is hard-coded in the monitor firmware) does
# not provide robust recovery from errors such as dropped characters, which
# are unavoidable in applications such as `record' because of disk access
# latency.
# By using a `smart' serial interface such as the Digiboard PC/4e, these
# problems can be avoided.  Even given the limitations of the communications
# protocol, it is possible to obtain extremely reliable data transfer for
# very lengthy periods.  To do so, you will need to build an enhanced version
# of the MECIF library using my replacement (rs232g.c) for the standard
# `rs232.c' module included in the MECIF source distribution.  You will need to
# link the Greenleaf CommLib 4.0 (gfcl.lib) library into any program that uses
# this enhanced MECIF library (see `rs232g.c' for details).
# To build the enhanced MECIF library, obtain the MECIF sources from HP
# (see `record.c' for further information).  Copy the MECIF sources into this
# directory.  If you are using either Borland or Turbo C/C++, just type `make'
# to build `mecif.lib'.  This works with MECIF version A.01.10 sources;  please
# let me know if changes are required for any other version. 
# Note that this version communicates via COM5 through COM8, assumed to be
# ports supported by the DigiBoard PC/4E.  To use the standard PC serial ports
# (COM1 and COM2), remove `-DDIGIBOARD' from CFLAGS (see `rs232g.c' for other
# options).
# This library has been successfully compiled into a working library using
# Turbo C/C++ 3.0 and Borland C/C++ 4.0.  It should not require changes for
# other versions of Borland or Turbo C, and only this `makefile' should require
# changes for Microsoft C.

!if $(CC) == BCC
!elif $(CC) == TCC

OBJ = mecifrsp.obj mecifop.obj parselib.obj rs232g.obj mecifreq.obj \
 c16toc8.obj dummy.obj

mecif.lib:	$(OBJ)
	del mecif.lib
	tlib mecif.lib +mecifrsp.obj+mecifop.obj+parselib.obj+rs232g.obj+\

mecifreq.obj:	mecifreq.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -w-rch -c mecifreq.c

dummy.obj:	dummy.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -w-par -c dummy.c

	del *.obj