record - An application for capturing data from an HP CMS (Merlin) monitor 1.0.0

File: <base>/src/makefile (2,916 bytes)
# file: makefile	G. Moody	13 October 1993
#			Last revised:	 9 March 1994
# Use this file to recompile record.exe.  Before this can be done successfully,
# make sure that this directory contains copies of the following files:
#    record.c      The C language source for record.exe.  See the comments
#                  near the beginning of this file for information about what
#                  record.exe does, what hardware is necessary in order to use
#                  it, how to configure it for your environment, and more.
#    dbl.lib       My DB library, version 9.0 or later (version 9.0 is already
#                  included in this directory; see comments near the beginning
#                  of record.c for further information).
#    db.h          DB library definitions, already in this directory
#    ecgcodes.h    DB library annotation types, already in this directory
#  * mecif.lib     HP's MECIF library.  Although you can compile record.exe
#                  using the original version of this library, the serial
#                  communications with the monitor will be unreliable if you
#                  do so.  I recommend using the enhanced version of the MECIF
#                  library instead (build this using my replacement for HP's
#                  rs232.c module, together with the other sources from HP's
#                  MECIF diskette;  see mecif/makefile for details).
#  * database.h    HP message IDs, supplied on the MECIF diskette
#  * meciflib.h    MECIF function declarations, supplied on the MECIF diskette
#  * pc_mach.h     MECIF type definitions, supplied on the MECIF diskette
#  * pc_spi.h      additional definitions, supplied on the MECIF diskette
#  * gfcl.lib      Greenleaf COMMLIB, version 4.0 or later
#  * commlib.h     COMMLIB function declarations, supplied with gfcl.lib
#  * compiler.h    Compiler-specific header supplied with gfcl.lib
#  * These files are not supplied with record.c, because they may not be freely
#    redistributed. See comments near the beginning of record.c for information
#    about obtaining these files.

# To create record.exe using Borland C/C++ or Turbo C/C++, type `make' in
# this directory.  See the comments in `record.c' for further details.

record.exe:	record.c mecif.lib gfcl.lib dbl.lib
	$(CC) -w-pia -ml -I. -O record.c mecif.lib gfcl.lib dbl.lib

# HP's demo program, supplied on the MECIF diskette, can also be compiled using
# the enhanced MECIF library.  Copy demo.c from the MECIF diskette into this
# directory, then type `make demo.exe' to compile it.  (The file `graphics.lib'
# is supplied with Borland and Turbo C/C++; if your compiler can't find it,
# copy it from your compiler's lib directory to this directory and try again.)

demo.exe:	demo.c mecif.lib gfcl.lib
	$(CC) -w-pia -ml -I. -O demo.c mecif.lib gfcl.lib graphics.lib