A Cardiovascular Simulator for Research 1.0.0

File: <base>/uninstall (815 bytes)

# Uninstalling everything done by install except for WFDB version
# 10.1.6 installation, if it were implemented.

# Defining directories.

# Checking if WFDB version 10.1.6 was installed.  If so, uninstalling
# this software.
#FLAG=`bin/check_wfdb uninstall`
#if test "$FLAG" -eq 1
#	cd lib
#	tar xvzf wfdb-10.1.6.tar.gz
#	cd wfdb-10.1.6
#	make uninstall
#	cd ..
#	rm -rf wfdb-10.1.6
#	cd ..

# Checking if Linux Redhat 6.2 or greater is installed.  If so,
# uninstalling libc5 libraries and linker.
$DIRBIN/check_redhat uninstall

# Deleting shell executable and link to /usr/local/bin.
rm -f $DIRBIN/rcvsim
rm -f /usr/local/bin/rcvsim
MATLABDIR=`locate toolbox/matlab/general -n 1`
rm -f $MATLABDIR/simulate.mexlx
rm -f $MATLABDIR/simulate.m