Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database 1.0.0

File: <base>/ice037_p_2of2.hea (1,785 bytes)
ice037_p_2of2 16 200 712000
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 1749 0 EHG1
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 13679 0 EHG10
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 21555 0 EHG11
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 1422 0 EHG12
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -27232 0 EHG13
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 18693 0 EHG14
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 2207 0 EHG15
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -8523 0 EHG16
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 8415 0 EHG2
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 9102 0 EHG3
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 5774 0 EHG4
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -14131 0 EHG5
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 31381 0 EHG6
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 14421 0 EHG7
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -13774 0 EHG8
ice037_p_2of2.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -4344 0 EHG9

#Record type:pregnancy
#Record number:2/2
#BMI before pregnancy:26.6
#BMI at recording:32.6
#Previous caesarean:Yes
#Placental position:Posterior/High
#Gestational age at recording(w/d):36/5
#Gestational age at delivery:38/5
#Mode of delivery:Emergency caesarean due to other than slow progress
#Synthetic oxytocin use in labour:No
#Epidural during labour:No
#Comments for recording:
#Electrodes situated on upper abdomen because of fetal heart rate monitor.
#Lots of fetal movement in recording.
#From the 45th minute of the recording the participant felt many contraction sensations 
#in a row, mainly in the upper most part of the abdomen.
#For the contraction at 1 minute: loose connection in patient gound electrode for some seconds.
#Comments for delivery:
#Participant was in spontaneous labour before the caesarean.