ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/common/colvec.m (664 bytes)
%% (Internal) Reshape the input into a column vector
% This function is useful when a function returns a row vector or matrix
% and you want to immediately reshape it in a functional way. Suppose
% f(a,b,c) returns a row vector, matlab will not let you write f(a,b,c)(:)
% - you would have to first store the result. With this function you can
% write colvec(f(a,b,c)) and be assured that the result is a column vector.
%    x = colvec(x)
% Arguments:
%      + x: data
% Output:
%      + x: columnized data
% Example:
% See also rowvec
% This file is from
% Copyright 2008-2015
function x = colvec(x)

x = x(:);