Predicting Mortality of ICU Patients: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2012 1.0.0

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function [prob,died]=physionet2012(tm,category,val)
% [prob,SAPS_SCORE,died]=physionet2012(tm,category,val)
% Sample Submission for the PhysioNet 2012 Challenge. Variables our:
% tm      - (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing time of measurement
% category- (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing type (category)
%           measurement
% value   - (Nx1 Cell Array) Cell array containing value of measurement
% prob      - (Scalar) Probability value of the patient dying in the hospital.
% died      - (Logical)Binary classification if the patient is going to die
%             on the hospital (1 - Died, 0 - Survived)
% Example:
% [prob,died]=physionet2012(tm,category,val)

%include m-files: MakePatientStruct, TabulatePatientRecordData_binsChangeable, 
%                     svmclassify_ML, svmdecision_ML,
%                     kernelList
%include mat-files: Model_Submission1.mat, scaling.mat

patient.textdata = [['time'; tm], ['category';category]]; = val;

%take in the data and make it a struct for the one patient
patientStruct = MakePatientStruct(patient);

%make the data into a matrix
spreads = importdata('Spreads.mat');
[X, ~] = TabulatePatientRecordData_binsChangeable2(patientStruct, spreads); 

%---> bring in the model here
model = importdata('Model_Submission2.mat');
model.ScaleData = importdata('scaling.mat');

%get the results
[died, prob] = svmclassify_ML(model, X);
